

How to restain a deck or pergola

Over time, decks may lose their colour and lustre. Find out how to choose the right stain for your deck, and safely restain it to the best effect.


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Daylight through a window

Daylighting requirements

The number of windows in your home and where you put them is restricted by rules designed to ensure a minimum amount of daylight in each part of a home. Find out how this is likely to affect your design.

Sink and tap performance considerations

Sink and tap performance considerations

Don't underestimate the importance of getting the right type of sink for your home! Because the sink will be fitted directly into your bench, it's one of those choices you normally only get to make once.

Home entertainment

Home audio components

Learn about the various devices needed to set up the ultimate home audio experience, including AV receivers as well as media players and streamers.
