

Unblocking a drain

How to unblock a drain

Blocked drains in your kitchen are no fun - but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. Read our guide on how to unblock a drain and save yourself from a watery disaster.


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Lifespan, energy use and cost of light globes

Lifespan, energy use and cost of light globes

To really consider how 'efficient' different types of globes are compared to others, it's important to look beyond basic consumption. How long will they last? Will the added expense pay itself off in energy savings?


Distance between water and power points

Regulations in Australia restrict where you're able to position power points in relation to sinks and taps. Find out what the rules say, and how far your power points will need to be from your kitchen sink.


Height and position of power points

Regulations exist in Australia to ensure that power points (or GPOs) are installed safely and sensibly. Learn more about where power points should be installed.
