

How to fix a leaking tap

How to fix a leaking tap

Most of the time, if a tap in your home is leaky, dripping or hard to close it's the result of a broken washer. While it's possible that your leaking tap's a 'washerless' tap (i.e. one with a ball, cartridge or ceramic disc mechanism - see the 'Types of taps' article linked below), it's a lot less likely that these taps will be leaking like this. You can usually tell if you have a ceramic disc type tap because it'll only need a quarter or half turn to fully open the tap.


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Septic systems

Not all houses can be connected to a sewage network. In some cases, houses will instead have their own septic systems to deal with effluent. Find out more about how septic systems are used to treat waste.


How to polish floorboards and parquetry

If your floorboards or parquetry floor are looking tired and worn, a good polish may be all that's needed to rejuvenate them.


Timber sinks

Timber sinks are normally built using techniques borrowed from boat making. These types of basins offer a unique, custom finish, although care needs to be taken to ensure that they remain waterproof.
