
Talisca Adrian's comments

JUN 02
I prefer Stainless Steel – This is by far the most popular kitchen sink material. Stainless steel comes in a lot of different gauges. A higher gauge means the steel is thinner. Unlike other materials, stainless steel is actually lightweight, so even the thickest steel sink will still be lighter than a granite or cast iron model. Stainless steel offers multiple advantages. It is durable, lightweight, and easy to clean and maintain. It also comes in a lot of different finishes, so you’re bound to find one that matches your other fixtures and appliances. A downside of using stainless steel is that it can be a little noisy. Manufacturers try to cancel some of the sounds by using a special coating or rubber pads. These features considerably lower the noise produced by the sink use. I found this site earlier and has great and informational reviews about this issue :