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First laundry appliance brand in Australia approved by Sensitive Choice program

First laundry appliance brand in Australia approved by Sensitive Choice program

For people or those with family who suffer from allergies or asthma, a new washing machine range has just been approved by the National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive Choice program. ASKO’s sustainable washing machine range is the only laundry appliance brand in Australia to have been given accreditation, increasing the number of household asthma and allergy-friendly products available for Australians.  

Most people don’t realise that washing machines can be harbouring mould but residual water, misuse or detergent and fabric softener, dirty drain pump filters, lint and poor laundry habits can cause clothing mildew that releases mould spores that can trigger asthma attacks.

There are 2.3 million Australians with asthma and one in three Australians suffer from allergies, according to the National Asthma Council. The Sensitive Choice program helps to educate the public by increasing awareness of the household products and services available that meet strict asthma and allergy guidelines.

The Sensitive Choice Product Advisory Panel, which comprises of experts in allergy, respiratory medicine, pharmacy, general practice, chemistry and consumer issues, reviews all products that have been presented to the program. Only products that may be a better choice for people with asthma or allergy are included on the Sensitive Choice register and are able to display the program’s blue butterfly logo.

ASKO’s washing machine range will now display this logo. The appliances have been designed to make daily life easier and healthier, with higher rinsing levels and improved spinning to remove more detergents after the cleaning cycle.

Features include a steel seal that eliminates the rubber door below that can trap dirt and grime, ASKO’s Quattro system with four shock absorber legs that virtually eliminate vibration and SensiSave sensors to detect the size of the laundry load and match water levels and time accordingly.

The four washing machine models approved by the Sensitive Choice program are: W4086C, W2084C, W4086P and W4104C.W.AU.