
Learn all you need to know about how to build, renovate or design a bathroom. Read about bathroom styles, trends, fittings and fixtures and much more.

Bath regulations

Bath regulations

There are a few different regulations relating to the way that baths need to be installed. These include rules about the quality and manufacture...
Waterproofing and tiling

How to tile and waterproof a bathroom

Find out more about how waterproofing and tiling are done to ensure that they meet the relevant Australian Standards.       Once the plasterboard’s finished and the...
How to hire a bathroom designer

How to hire a bathroom designer

Hiring a properly trained bathroom designer’s the best to ensure that you’re getting a stunning, expertly finished bathroom, and that every practical issue has...

Reduce your bathroom renovation costs

There’s no disguising a bathroom in need of renovation. Thankfully though, if you know what you're doing it's not hard to keep a lid...

How to hire a plumber

Depending on the work you need done, you may need to give a little thought to who's going to do plumbing or gasfitting work...

Sink and tap regulations

There are several regulations in Australia that affect how you buy plumbing products, how they need to be positioned in relation to other parts...

Timber sinks

Timber sinks are normally built using techniques borrowed from boat making. These types of basins offer a unique, custom finish, although care needs to...
Bathroom maintenance

Bathroom maintenance

If they're not maintained properly, your bathrooms can cause you all kinds of headaches. Find out how to properly care for your bathroom without...
Basins and sinks

Basins and sinks

Learn what differentiates different kinds of basins and sinks in bathrooms, kitchens and laundries, as well as what types are available, and how they're...

Concealed cisterns

Concealed cisterns serve the same purpose as regular cisterns, but are embedded inside walls, ceilings ducts or cabinetry to maximise space or create a...

