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Dos and don’ts of interior design

Dos and don’ts of interior design

What is Interior Design?

It is an art of enhancing the appearance of the space by making it more appealing and pleasing. And it is done by an interior designer, the one who plans, researchers, co-ordinates and handles the entire project. It also includes concept expansion, space designing, site examination, research, conversing with the stakeholders of the deal and lastly implementation of the design.

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Now let’s look at few Dos and Don’ts


Do ask for referrals from friends, contractors and the architect. This is the best way to look for a perfect interior designer who suits your needs. You can ask for help from friends or from the service provider. For example, let’s say that you want to get your house designed. You can contact to an expert. The expert will guide you with everything and help you deal with all your doubts and confusions. He will provide you with an architect and a designer who will meet all your requirements. 

Do your homework. You will find loads of designer’s portfolios available online. You can choose one for yourself, whichever you find more appealing. Note down what you like about the designer and his work. Now that you are done with your study, list down all the pros and cons of the designs and choose the one which is reliable and fits your necessities.

Ask for an in-home consultation. Once you finalize your designer, you need to talk to him regarding the things you expect from him. Tell him about your needs and ideas, this will help the designer find your approach towards the designs. And ask him if they are right for you.

Ask for client referrals. Get the referrals from the designer with whom you connected well.

Organize a budget with your designer. Initiating a budget will help you know how much amount you are most likely to spend on the project. Also, count a few percents for the unexpected incidents that might happen along the way.


Avoid sticking to free design services. Many interior designing firms offer free design services. Opting for free designs limits options available for you. This will not help you with customizing your house as per your needs.

Avoid hiring based on designer’s art of appreciation. Things that matter the most in designing are skills of the designer, planning, understanding, management and coordination with the clients. Keep an eye on who is handling your project and understand his process of working.

Do not neglect in-home presentations. Ask for in-home presentations if possible. This will give you a better picture of the designs and skills of the designer. It will also help you know your designer well and the pattern of work that he follows.

Avoid assigning the designer without an agreement letter. This letter allows you to know about the project scope, fee details, evaluate the completion date and other important details you discussed with the designer. If you are not agreeable with one of the clauses added in the agreement, make sure you get it cleared.

Do not fail to ask for the estimates. Before the designer starts with his work, ensure that you have details about the entire project. Make sure you know about the workers, architects, contractors involved with your project. Knowing everything about the project, the people involved and also about the budget will help you know whether you are getting what you have asked for or not.