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Top Tips for Installing a Fibreglass Pool on a Sloping Site

Top Tips for Installing a Fibreglass Pool on a Sloping Site

It comes as no surprise that here in Australia, we love a backyard swimming pool! The perfect place for relaxing on a hot summer’s afternoon, they are a well-loved feature for homeowners across the country. However, they can also be an incredibly pricy addition to any property. Fibreglass has long been an excellent choice, thanks to the wide range of designs on the market, low costs and quick installation process.

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Though they are a great choice, you may be wondering if they are suited to your property. Homes with sloping blocks often have trouble installing pools of any design – which is why we’ve put together our guide on installing fibreglass pools on sloping sites.

1. Plan, Plan, Plan

The first thing you should do for any project of this size – regardless of whether it’s a sloping site or not – is to carefully plan what you want and where you want it. If you can avoid the most drastic part of the slope, that can save you a lot of money and hassle. Additionally, a lot of homes on sloping properties have difficult with access, so this is an added expense that you will have to consider.

2. Excavation and layout

As the pool will need to be installed on a flat surface, a certain level of excavation will be necessary. This generally involved digging into the hill, rather than building up the lower side. Take this into account during your planning stage, and ensure you budget for disposing excess soil if need be. Once that is completed, foundations are generally laid, so take care to be confident in the final layout prior to this stage. Speak with your pool building team and landscapers to ensure the end result will be both functional and attractive.

3. Drainage is critical

The most important thing to consider when building any pool, proper drainage is absolutely a must. If you’re installing fiberglass pools on sloping blocks, it’s even more important that drainage is taken care of, as access water or leaks can cause the very hill that its sitting on to erode and slop away. Water can come from any source, including the pool itself, rain water, and water from your home, so make sure it’s directed away from the pool and the foundations of your house and patio to avoid any unnecessary dramas.

4. Consider the decking

Finally, remember that the pool isn’t the only feature in the space – to make it a truly stunning and usable area, a deck or patio is a must. This can really elevate your property to the next level, and can provide a space for other attractive features, such as outdoor furniture and potted plants. Whilst designing this area, keep in mind that pool fencing is a legal requirement in Australia, so this should be installed at the same time.

Of course, our biggest tip is, and always will be, to partner with an experienced professional. No matter what your block condition or the pool type that you’re interested in, by working with a team of skilled pool builders you can be confident that they have the knowledge and equipment to ensure the perfect finish, every time. Whilst many people think they can save money on attempting a DIY project, this decision often comes back to haunt them in the months and years that follow. Make the right financial decision for your home and install a fibreglass pool with professional help.