Home Outdoor Patio 4 Solutions To Concrete Patio Drainage Problems

4 Solutions To Concrete Patio Drainage Problems

4 Solutions To Concrete Patio Drainage Problems


A patio is one of the easiest ways to enjoy outdoor luxury at home – and concrete is the obvious choice for the material. Choose your decorative finish, enjoy greater durability than wood or pavers, and don’t worry too much about maintenance. What’s not to love about your concrete patio? If you answered ‘bad drainage’, then you’ve definitely arrived at the right place – because we’re about to explore concrete patio drainage.

All too often, people absolutely love their concrete patio – until it’s sitting under water after some particularly heavy rain. The problem, obviously, is that getting the concrete slab drainage solution right for your patio can actually be rather tricky. And once it sets in, it’s not just your afternoon chill that will be under threat, but your family’s home and health, as well.

So why is the drainage around concrete patio slabs so often a problem?

Find out more here:

4 Solutions To Concrete Patio Drainage Problems