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Pre-installation care for windows

Window care

When building or renovating a home, your windows will often need to be stored securely prior to installation. Windows can be an expensive building component, especially…

When building or renovating a home, your windows will often need to be stored securely prior to installation. Windows can be an expensive building component, especially if you’ve chosen high performance types, and the last thing you want is for your new or replacement windows to be damaged. The pre-installation care information below will assist you and your builder to properly protect and prolong the life of your windows.

Home window pre-installation care 

Stand windows upright on timber or bricks
Home window pre-installation care 

Do not lean windows against trees or posts


Storing windows

Windows should be stored in a clean, dry area away from contamination. Store windows away from building materials such as cement, lime, paint and including any loose debris.

Handle and stack frames carefully on site. Stand them upright on their sills (bottom of the window as installed), raised off the ground on pieces of timber or bricks. Stand them against a flat, vertical surface such as a shed and tie firmly in position.

Do not lean windows against a tree or post as they are subject to permanent damage until installed into the building envelope. If the site is bare, lay frames flat on top of each other with weight evenly distributed to avoid buckling and distortion.

Pre-installation tips

  • Store in a dry location, under cover where possible, to protect against damage
  • Carry windows in the vertical position with sashes locked
  • Do not rack frames out of square
  • Prevent exposure to moisture particularly pools and ponds
  • Do not remove bands from double hung windows until after installation
  • Do not remove corner braces until after installation