Home Structure Doors Industry Standard on Installation of Windows and Doors Australia

Industry Standard on Installation of Windows and Doors Australia

Industry Standard on Installation of Windows and Doors Australia

Industry Standard on Installation of Windows and Doors Australia
Source: AWA Australian Window Association


At all times manufacturer’s installation will be the predominant procedure for the installation of proprietary windows. Installers should ensure that manufacturer’s instructions are adopted. 

The practices outlines in this guide are not intended to supersede manufacturer’s instructions but provide basic and generic guidelines in the absence of such.

Special consideration needs to be given to windows and door systems designed specifically for acoustics and energy efficiency. Reference must be made to the building designer or installer for installation details.

Pre-installation Care

DO: Make sure that you are to handle and stack frames carefully on site. Stand them upright on their sills (bottom of the window as installed), raised off the ground on pieces of timber or bricks. Stand them against a flat, vertical surface such as a shed and tie firmly in position.

DON’T: Do not lean windows against a tree or post as they are subject to permanent damage until installed into building envelope. If the site is bare, lay frames flat on top of each other with weight evenly distributed to avoid buckling and distortion.

Installing Frames Correctly

1. Fit flashing window surround as required.

2. Measure the frame opening to ensure that there is sufficient room for the product and additional packing.

Stud Opening:
Height = O/A reveal size + adequate clearance
Width = O/A reveal size + adequate clearance

Clearance dimensions vary between manufacturer’s products. For adequate clearance refer to window manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Frame must be packed plumb, square and not twisted between the openings. Ensure the sill is fully supported; failure to do so may result in sill roll on sliding windows. Sills on all windows and doors must be straight and level and should be packed and secured.

4. Secure aluminum windows by nailing through reveal in brick veneer applications. Timber windows should be secured by back nailing through stud, not face of frame stud. Alternatively, on cavity brick construction use galvanized building lugs located at 450mm maximum centres.

5. If it is not possible to backnail, wedges should be installed between the window and the building frame to prevent opening of the frame joints when nailing is carried out.

6. Keep sashes closed whilst installing frames.

7. Sill bricks should be at least 10mm clear of window frame to allow settlement in brick veneer construction.

8. Do not stand on the windows or doors, or use them as support for scaffolding, or slide material through the frame. It is important to prevent  any damage to windows and doors during constructions.

9. Do not permit weight of eaves or arch bars to bear on any window or door frame. (Windows and doors are not load bearing)

10. Remove cement mortar and plaster droppings from windows immediately, taking care to avoid scratching glass and, or frames, as permanent damage can result. Immediate attention must be given by washing off with water before material sets.

11. To ensure the satisfactory long term performance of sliding doors, the sill should be fully supported. Where the sill projects during construction the sill should be fully supported with temporary supports until sill bricks or tiles are installed.

Installation guide