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Racecourse roof repairs delayed

Racecourse roof repairs delayed

Delayed work on the York Racecourse roof has led to thousands of dollars of extra repairs.


Photo courtesy of Nico Nelson, used under the CC BY 2.0 license.

York Racecourse in Western Australia can expect to pay up to $150,000 for rain damage repairs after a delayed engineering report stopped maintenance on the roof from going ahead.

The racecourse lost its roof in January after being hit by a storm, but the report was not released until early June.

York Racing’s insurance company had arranged repairs within 28 days of the initial damage but these were delayed after the report was commissioned.

Rain has caused damage to the ceiling, carpet, furniture and walls of the grandstand, sending the damage bill from $100,000 to $250,000.

The extra damage has resulted in a suspension of racing, and with an insurance offer of only $83,000 York Racing has stated they will not be able to afford the repairs.