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How Can Homeowners Save Money on Remodels While Material Costs Soar?

How Can Homeowners Save Money on Remodels While Material Costs Soar?

Builders on ladders adding siding

 Remodeling a home has never been an inexpensive prospect, but supply chain problems and a shortage of materials caused these reinventions and repairs to become even more expensive. In some cases, costs have increased by more than 20% and construction companies are reaching the point where they need to pass those costs on to the customer.

That hasn’t stopped homeowners from planning their next remodeling projects, but budgeting has become more challenging. How can homeowners save money on remodeling even while materials costs soar?

Understand the Difference

The terms remodeling and renovation are often used interchangeably, but they are two different things. Asking for one could leave you scrambling to find a way to turn it into the other.

Renovations are defined as upgrades for an existing room. This is what you need to look for if your kitchen hasn’t been upgraded since the house was built in the 1970s, or your bathroom still has a bunch of full-flow fixtures that are driving your water bill through the roof. You’re upgrading things inside the room without changing the function of the space. Your kitchen will still be a kitchen and your bathroom will still have a sink, toilet, and shower or tub, depending on your preference.

Remodeling projects, on the other hand, revamp the entire room — or the entire house, depending on your budget and your desires. Tearing out all the old plumbing in a bathroom, adding additional square footage in a bedroom, or raising the ceiling in your living room would all fall under remodeling. Asking for a remodeling project when what you really meant was a renovation could leave you with dashed expectations. If you need a full revamp, that’s what you’ll be paying for.

Understanding the difference between the two is only one part of the equation. How can homeowners save money on their next remodeling project when material costs are climbing?

Look for Reclaimed or Recycled Materials

Construction projects bring in a lot of materials but don’t always end up using all of them. Much of it ends up in local landfills. Around 19 million tonnes of construction waste are generated every year in Australia, with only about 55% of it being recovered or recycled.

You may be able to purchase recycled or reclaimed materials for a fraction of the cost of buying them new. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to make your remodeling project a little eco-friendlier by reducing your reliance on new materials.

Keep the Designs Simple

One of the fun parts of a remodeling project is taking your space and customizing it to suit your aesthetic. How much you change your space depends on a variety of things, including your budget, the space you have to work with, and how complicated the design is. The more complex the design, the more materials you will likely need. If you’re concerned about cutting costs, don’t opt for the most complex design possible.

Shop Around

It’s tempting to head straight to your local hardware store when you start shopping for construction materials, but that isn’t always the most cost-effective way to get what you need. Shop around and explore your options before you start making your purchase.

Make sure you’re collecting examples of the prices from each shop or yard you visit. You may come across a supplier that is more willing to price-match the competition, often with higher-quality materials at their disposal.

Buy Direct

Buying supplies from a hardware store might be the easiest way to get them, but it isn’t going to be the most cost-effective, because these retailers always mark up their products to make a profit. If saving money is important, try to work with direct sellers or even wholesalers as often as you can. You’ll be able to bring home the best materials to get the job done for a fraction of the cost.

Don’t Splurge on the Highest-Grade Materials

It’s tempting to opt for high-grade materials simply because they’re available, but that’s also an easy way to burn through your entire budget in no time.

You don’t want to cut corners, but you don’t need to spend your entire budget on materials if you don’t have to. Choose the lowest-grade materials available that will work for your project, and use the money you save for other parts of the remodel.

Source From Demolitions Projects

There are safe and legal ways to source materials from demolition projects, and doing so makes it easier to obtain materials at a fraction of the cost. This enables you to take advantage of reclaimed materials that might otherwise be sent to the landfill.

Save Money but Don’t Cut Corners

There is always the temptation to cut corners, but don’t make decisions about a remodeling project that will save money but leave the finished project incomplete or unsafe. These tips can help you save money on remodels without putting yourself or others at risk.