Manspaces in homes are usually the result of a serious hobby that’s grown into a formidable obsession – and these spaces that people build to accommodate their huge hobbies reflect the massive pride and passion that people have for whatever it is they’re doing. If you’ve ever known anyone with an elaborate train set or a six car garage you’ll know what I’m talking about. Hard not to be slightly impressed, even if it’s something you’d never build yourself in a million years…
Manspaces in homes are usually the result of a serious hobby that’s grown into a formidable obsession – and these spaces that people build to accommodate their huge hobbies reflect the massive pride and passion that people have for whatever it is they’re doing. If you’ve ever known anyone with an elaborate train set or a six car garage you’ll know what I’m talking about. Hard not to be slightly impressed, even if it’s something you’d never build yourself in a million years…
The real question is: why is it only guys who seem to build these kinds of shrines? Know any women with impressive spaces like these ones? Or, for that matter, other guys with spaces worthy of this list? If so, come tell us about them on our Facebook page.