How to Change an Ordinary Wall into Creative Wall 

How to Change an Ordinary Wall into Creative Wall 

Turning a house into a home takes more than just putting together some furniture.

You would also want to decorate your walls to get the perfect setup and vibe with your personality.  

One of the more common ways people do that is by painting their walls.

But this is a very permanent solution. From time to time, you may want to change the way your wall looks.

This could be because you’re bored of the same old design, or you want to change it up to suit a different mood or purpose.  

Boring walls 

Having white walls in your house can be quite dull.

Image Source: Depositphotos

Even walls with any other plain colour can get boring very quickly.

If you’re of the creative type, you will look at the wall with ideas brimming about what you can do to make that part of the house more attractive.  

Of course, you can do a few things apart from actually repainting the wall. This can include things like adding some potted plants in front of the wall. A bit of greenery looks great with a white background.

You could also try hanging some paintings to spice up the area.

Image Source: Pinterest (Chatelaine Board)


A white wall also goes well with timber furniture. You can set up a table and some chairs against the wall.

Even metallic accents go well with this background. You can choose furniture that accentuates the boring area of your house.  

But all these are solutions that don’t give the ultimate satisfaction of doing something creative with the wall itself. Personalised wall stickers and customised wall decals provide you with much greater options.

They also allow you to refresh the walls every few months without having to worry about damaging the wall itself.  

How to change ordinary walls into creative walls 

Wall stickers 

One of the best ways you can decorate your wall is with custom wall stickers. If you’re planning a party, you can get custom wall stickers related to the theme to adorn the room.

Image Source: Pinterest (Trendha Board)

It not only helps you have a pretty wall for the party, but also causes no damage when everyone has left, and you need to remove them.  

These wall stickers can also help with covering any damage that’s already on your walls. There can be any number of reasons why a wall gets damaged – including DIY projects and active children!

Getting the wall repaired the traditional way can be very expensive. Instead, you can use wall stickers to artfully conceal the parts of the wall that are showing the damage. You get to fix your wall and also get your creative juices flowing! 

Some people who use the custom wall stickers even choose motivational quotes, to give them a lift whenever they feel down. Some others use personalised wall stickers to celebrate a particular aspect of their lives.

There are many ways in which you can make your ordinary wall into a creative space.  

Wall decals 

Stickers are peeled off from the backing paper and stuck to the surface you want them on.

Wall decals are slightly different. You would be transferring the decals from the surface it has been delivered onto your wall. Basically, wall decals come with a transfer surface along with the actual sticker and the backing paper.  

Image Source: Printyo


Wall decals usually come in different parts.

The transfer surface allows them to be placed in exactly the same way the decal was originally envisioned.  

You can create your own custom wall decals, with any design you want.

Your wall becomes your canvas. The wall decals can tell a story or simply have your favourite pictures as decoration.  


There are other creative ways in which you can decorate your wall, but wall stickers and wall decals offer the easiest options. You can have personalised wall decals that are close to your heart.

Custom wall stickers also give you the chance to decorate your previously dull wall into something a lot more interesting.  

All you have to do is figure out what artform you want on your walls and create your own customised wall decals.

When you get bored of the look, you can easily swap it out for any other design that might have taken your fancy.

With custom wall stickers and decals, you can make as many changes as you want without damaging your wall in any way.