What started life as a pretty basic hole in the ground had by the year 1600 become something vaguely similar to the flushable toilets of today. And for the past 200+ years, apart from the utter transformation of human health thanks in great part to the hygienic modern toilet, not a lot changed between then and today when it came to the basic technological toilet design. A fundamental feature of the modern toilet is the inner rim – sometimes referred to in the industry as the ‘box rim’ bordering the upper edge of the bowl. It’s role, which performed its function remarkably well, helps to properly and evenly distribute the flushing water in an effective downward motion.
So what’s all this you’ve been hearing about the whiz-bang new rimless toilets, then?
If you’re in the market for a new toilet, you’ll notice that you can now choose between a traditional rim or a so-called rimless toilet. The most obvious difference is in the name itself – there simply isn’t a rim anymore. What that means is that the bowl is no longer bordered and separated from your tush at the uppermost edge.
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