Home Floors Carpet 4 Ways to remove stubborn wine stains off your carpet!

4 Ways to remove stubborn wine stains off your carpet!

4 Ways to remove stubborn wine stains off your carpet!

Here’s some first aid for you…

You have to act as fast as you can to remove stubborn wine stains before they have a chance to set. If you can’t completely and effectively clean a red wine spill during a party, blot up the spill as much as you can and then sprinkle a lot of table salt over the stain (make sure no one steps on it).

An important thing to keep in mind…

Always blot, blot, and then blot again. Never rub red wine stained carpet. Scrubbing and rubbing will only bury the stains deeper in the carpet fabric.

Use the precise thing…

The best material for cleaning up any stain, especially a carpet one, is a white terry towel. If you don’t have a Terry towel, paper towels will do the job too.

How To Remove Stubborn Wine Stains

Method 1:

  • Soda water is a classic homemade remedy for red wine stain carpet removal. The carbon dioxide lifts up the stain.
  • After moistening the stain with carbonated water (soda) blot the patch with a terry cloth.
  • Do this several times until the purple red stain substantially fades away.
  • Now dab a cloth into warm water+detergent solution.

Method 2:

  • Surprisingly white wine is a crazy red wine stain carpet remover.
  • Pour some white wine on the red wine and blot away.
  • The white wine neutralises the staining constituents of the red wine and helps it lift off the carpet.

Click here to read more about removing stubborn wine stains from carpet.