(1) Transitioning to University Life:
After entering university, many people find university life unfamiliar. Freshmen are bombarded with various promotions from senior students—student unions, clubs, and societies advertising their benefits. It can be overwhelming, and joining these groups might not significantly impact your academic life. Student unions often have unspoken rules, and without connections, you might end up doing trivial tasks that waste your study time.
(2) Building Relationships with Roommates:
When I first entered university, I thought it essential to maintain good relations with my roommates. Initially, things seemed fine, but after a few days, my perception changed. One roommate, let’s call him “A,” was wealthy but lacked hygiene habits. He would leave garbage in the room for days, even throwing it into my bin. Rather than confronting him, I chose to lead by example. Over time, he understood and improved his habits. When dealing with such roommates, it’s advisable to be patient and influence them positively through your actions(quotes from usms.ac.ma).
(3) Dealing with Negative Influences:
There’s a saying: “Why do excellent people always seem unsociable?” The classic answer is, “Outstanding people are sociable, but they socialize in groups where you’re not.” In university, you might encounter individuals who criticize others, especially when it comes to academic achievements. These people may belittle those who study hard or mock those who try to improve. Keep your distance from such individuals as they can dampen your academic spirit. In student life, friends of high achievers generally have good academic records, while those associating with slackers often engage in undesirable activities. “Birds of a feather flock together.” If you force yourself into a group where you don’t belong, you’ll find it challenging to connect. Instead, focus on continuous learning, enriching yourself, and expanding your knowledge. By reaching a certain level, you’ll naturally integrate into such a group(sources from usms).
In summary, university life is not as carefree as some might imagine. Prioritize your studies, spend time in the library, and don’t be afraid. You don’t need to paint university life as dark; it’s unnecessary to strain to join every club, pretend to have a good temper to please everyone, sacrifice self-respect to flatter others, or seek approval from everyone. You don’t need to care whether you’re alone or with a group, blindly follow trends for the sake of face, or indulge in smoking and drinking due to peer pressure. University is still university; if you’re unhappy or struggling to adapt, it’s likely because you’re overthinking, caring too much, and pursuing too much. Just be yourself, move forward bravely, and know that there are people thinking of you, missing you, caring for you, and supporting you. You will always be appreciated, even if you are bruised and battered or going through tough times.