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Be water wise in 2020

Be water wise in 2020


Be water wise in your garden.

As many areas of the country start to rebuild after the devastating summer bushfires, founder of the Greenwall Company Mark Paul has shared some tips on how to be water wise in the your home for 2020.

Mark says: “Compared to ten years ago, there are so many more options when it comes to being water efficient in your home, workplace and of course the garden. To prevent us reaching water restriction levels in the future, I believe that all households and workplaces should act like we are under them at all times. There is no need to use excessive amounts of water just because we can. Why not be a part of the solution?”

Mark’s top five tips for being water wise in the home and garden in 2020 include:

  • Install a greenwall or green roof: greenwall and green roofs are very efficient. Mark’s greenwall systems use approximately 1.5l per square metre per day while the roofs generally survive on seasonal rain after they mature. A standard lawn starts at 20l per square metre per day. 
  • Don’t have a green waste bin. Mark says all of their bread, pasta and rice goes to carp in their pond with other food waste going their chickens. He also recommends composting mounds and mulchers. He says: “If you reuse all of your green waste you don’t need to purchase mulch or fertilizer and you use less water.” 
  • Mark points out that lawns require a high level of water usage, pointing out that in most homes the lawn is the most underutilised area. He asks: “Do you need a lawn? How close is your local oval or park?” He suggests only laying natural grass where it is really needed and going to be used. Native grasses, he says, are a great alternative for nature strips. 
  • Install a drip irrigation system, Mark suggests, adding that they must be on a timer and when installed correctly will deliver the exact amount of water the greenwall or garden requires. This will save time and money. He also suggests installing larger rainwater tank storage. 
  • Mark says people need to be smart about plant selection. He says: “Choose plants that are low maintenance and don’t require water every day. Look for starch storing plants such as Queensland Bottle trees, Illawarra Flame tress or Spear Lilies.