Brand new home checklist

Brand new home checklist

Designing and building your own home is an exciting process but it’s one that does take a while, which means by the time the developer hands over the keys all you want to do is settle in. However, before you start unpacking everything there are checks you need to go through to ensure all work is up to scratch.

You should always take full advantage of final inspections to make notes of any issues in your new home regardless of whether it’s brand new or not. However, with brand new homes there are some extra things you need to keep an eye out for.

Since developers are allowed to substitute items of a similar quality to those specified in the contract for finishes, it’s important to double check all fittings and fixtures. Once settlement has occurred, you have a certain amount of time, generally three to four months, to inspect the home and notify the developer of any flaws and ensure you get what you’ve paid for.

Click here to download a printable checklist of things to look for when doing an inspection of your brand new home.

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