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Confidence When Choosing Colour.



Confidence When Choosing Colour.

Questions about colour are some of the most common we hear from Clients.

In this article, we aim to bolster your self-assurance in your own taste and instincts.

Our interiors should embrace us and bring a smile to our faces.

Choosing what makes you happy is much more about trusting yourself than it is about knowing every current trend.

Firstly, don’t be afraid of all the choices available.

Start big with your selection and understand that you will be able to find your way to your best tone.

Begin with your inspiration;  paint swatches, Pinterest files full of beautiful interiors and folders of images. Whatever you have as a starting point will help you find your way.


Don’t overwhelm yourself all at once.

Dip into this inspiration file from time to time and you will find there are a small number of images or colours that you really resonate with and come back to easily.File these in a favourites pile. 

Make a cup of tea and revisit only these favourites. 

You’ll start to see themes emerging. Do you see a thread of a certain tone in each swatch or inspiration picture?

 This is where your eye and heart are leading you.  Go with it.

Do not go to the Committee !  As well meaning as friends and family can be, or as clever as a design trend may sound, nothing will fill the space like your own dream.

Within your short list of tones there is often one clear choice that you keep coming back to.

Here is where you back your instincts and have confidence – go with this tone and enjoy it !

Still struggling ? 

Think about how you feel when you see something that truly appeals to you.

Imagine walking past a shop window and seeing an outfit that catches your eye, or a dream car pass by in the street.

Now go back to your shortlist of tones and work with the colour that gives you that feeling. 


Remember that enjoying colour is natural in us even if we’ve fallen into a habit of overthinking it.

Colour has always helped us navigate through our world and it’s why we love a special sunset and admire a view.

 We encourage you to remember that :   Our interiors are meant to work for us, not the other way around.

 Give yourself permission to create with a colour that you love.


Follow along on our Colour Journey.

Our next article will expand on how colour works with other tones and finishes in a space.                                                                      © Innovative Splashbacks 2024.