Hey, do you know dark mode is among the biggest trends in the designing world? Do you know reputed brands such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Google, Apple and Instagram have already befriended the dark mode design? Nope? Probably it’s time to take a sneak peek into what these influential brands are doing and how just like them, you too can be friends with the dark mode design.
Through this detailed blog, we will help you have an insight of the bright side of dark mode and the practices you must do to get the best dark theme websites and applications. Let’s start…
What Does Dark Mode Mean?
Putting it simple, it refers to a low-light user interface deployed on a black or grey color background. As per the developers, dark theme interface doesn’t strain the eye, something excellent during night-time or low-time situations. Isn’t it an indication towards reduced headaches and quality work experience?
Why Use Dark Mode?
Because apart from being easy-breezy on the eyes, it saves battery life. Want some practical reasons? Check out them below:
Less strain on eyes
Analyzing on-screen data is tiresome after a point and one feels drained. Thanks to the dark mode, charts and graph seem light on the eyes and keep away from blurred vision, back pain, eye pain, headache, etc.
Enhanced visibility in low-light
When working on a computer screen, be it early morning or late night, one gets instant headache when someone turns on the bright light. In the case of dark mode, bright light is reduced and content visibility remains easy even when the light is low.
Long battery life
When not being used, digital gadgets that have OLED screens turn off the black pixels. Since dark mode uses more black pixels, the device consumes limited energy.
Emotional dose
Dark mode has something about it which makes one feel like they are doing something healthy. This make them feel good and at peace.
Prevents ADD
Focus goes up when there is dark light as the concentration is drifted towards the content zone, thereby making the content pop and background look like it has disappeared.
The Right Way To Use Dark Mode In Design
You can find solace in the arms of dark mode for anything. No matter you want to outgrow your presence on television, mobile app or smartwatch, it will let you achieve that effortlessly. Start with the dark mode to:
Complement with your brand colors
When color palette of a brand is already compatible to dark mode, using more darkness is a big no. If the idea is to use a broad spectrum of colors, lighter user interface is the best. Why? Because full color spectrum is difficult to be read on dark backgrounds.
Showcase your industry
When it comes to specify certain industries, dark mode user interface is incomparable. For instance, brands that are based on entertainment or nightlife are good to go with dark mode. Reason being, they have high-energy content which is mostly paired with a dark background.
Showcase your industry
When it comes to specify certain industries, dark mode user interface is incomparable. For instance, brands that are based on entertainment or nightlife are good to go with dark mode. Reason being, they have high-energy content which is mostly paired with a dark background.
Look minimalist
If you have limited content, dark mode can be your partner in crime. On the other hand, if you have a lot of text, dark UI can cause trouble by making everything look hell chaotic.
Status showoff
For those who are into flaunting their status, nothing works better than dark mode UI, thanks to the dark colors for awakening emotions that reflect luxury and pride.
Some Worthy Tips
Dark mode UI works right with the help of some processes. Want to know them? Here they are:
1. Avoid being excessively dark
No matter how obsessed you are with the color black, keep it at a distance. High contrast screen is a torture to the eyes. Opt for shades of grey with desaturated colors.
2. Ensure proper contrast
White text is clearly visible when the background is dark. Google Material Design suggests using a text-to-background contract level of minimum 15:8:1.
3. Desaturate the colors
Dark backgrounds shouldn’t have fully saturated colors. Desaturated colors make for better shades. Muted and pastel colors with addition of white and grey are the best choice. Here, another thing that’s important is alignment with the color palette of the brand.
4. Opt for the appropriate “on” colors
“On” colors are the ones that feature on the top of key and element surfaces. They are generally used for the purpose of lettering. Pure white is the default “on” color of dark mode user interface. As it vibrates against backgrounds that are dark, it should be avoided. Light grey is a better choice here.
5. Refrain from reverse
When switching from the standard mode to the dark mode, original theme has important visual cues. Being intentional about the choice of color selection is all that matters here. Inverting colors for the sake of dark theme is a bad decision, thanks to it making colors with psychological purpose into useless colors that are nothing but mute.
6. Test and offer freedom
Be it the light design mode or dark, it must be tested. Every style must be experimented and needed changes must be made depending upon the feedback of the user. Users must be given the control to go from light mode into dark mode, as it lets them control their experience and feel more thought of.
Adopt Darkness Now!
It’s time to go dark and look creative. Waste no time and become the ruler of this one of the most looked modes. Partner with revolutionary website design professionals like us and make noise in the design world through dark mode website and app development that won’t fade ever.