There happen to be many people who love to try new things. And there are far too many people who are craving to know the easiest way to clean grout without scrubbing. If you are one of those, then you shouldn’t waste any more of your precious time and scroll down for more information.
1. Baking soda treatment
One of the easiest ways to clean grout without scrubbing is to make good use of this technique. There are a lot of people who turn to this technique. It doesn’t only clean, but it doesn’t tire one out completely. All you need to do is mix half a cup of baking soda with ¼ hydrogen peroxide. You will be able to get these easily at the market and they are available at a pretty affordable price. This is a very good home solution, the baking soda helps in getting rid of any smell, and the peroxide cleans and kills any lurking bacteria. All you need to do is apply the paste and leave it on the grout for 5 minutes before wiping it completely off.
2. Toilet cleaner
Not many know about this amazing mixture, but it is really easy to make and it works wonders. Toilet cleaner is something that is available these days in every household. So that means one doesn’t need to go out and purchase a toilet cleaner for cleaning grout purposes only. Another thing that you need to make this amazing mixture is bleach. If your toilet cleaner doesn’t have bleach in it, you might need some extra bleaching powder if you want to clean your grout without scrubbing. After you mix both of these, apply the mixture directly to the grout. Keep it for not more than 30 minutes, before you clean the grout off with a damp piece of cloth. This mixture can be made easily at home and it is very much a reliable source.
3. Alkaline
Alkaline is one of the most used products when it comes to cleaning grout. Also, alkaline can be easily bought from the story and it can be considered as one of the easiest ways to clean grout without scrubbing. There are many households that have alkaline, they can make use of that easily. You need to apply the alkaline cleaning product and leave it on the grout for not more than 5-10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can clean it with the help of a cloth. You can dampen it if you want to as well.