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How 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing the Housing Industry

How 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing the Housing Industry

3d printing


The housing industry has gone through some significant changes in the past couple of years. We are living in an age of rapid technology development, and new tech solutions are affecting various industries. When it comes to the housing industry, no other technology has been more impactful than 3D printers.  

We have seen glimpses of what 3D printers can do, and we know there is a great future ahead of them. However, in the housing industry, 3D printers are already making a big change.  

The future is now. Companies from all around the world have proven that they can use 3D printers to build (print) homes.  

What’s even better is that this technology is applicable as it cuts down costs while giving amazing results. Here is how.  

The Current State of 3D Printing in The Housing Industry  

We are currently in a stage where the majority of real estate project scale models are made with 3D imagining. But we are seeing more and more people in the real estate world looking to explore the possibilities of printing 3D houses and buildings.  

In 2019, a company by the name of Apis Cor built a 3D printed building in Dubai. This is the largest building ever to be published. It’s an office building with around 640 square meters, almost 10 meters high. The Winsun building located in Shanghai is another example of a 3D printed structure.  

As we mentioned earlier, the future is now. There are dozens of companies all around the world that are using 3D printing to make homes and buildings. Skeptics predicted that it would take around a decade for the housing industry to feel the effects of this technology, but this is simply not true.  

The whole construction industry is already seeing that this is a potential threat. They will have to get on board or lose the market altogether. Here is how 3D printing is changing the game.  

3d printing house


Housing is Cheaper  

You might think that this kind of amazing futuristic technology would be super expensive, but it’s not. The housing industry has been struggling for a long time to provide affordable prices. Now more than ever, mainly because millennials don’t have a lot of money to invest in real estate.  

Some of the biggest reasons why the industry struggles to provide affordable housing are:  

  • Expensive building materials  
  • High labor costs  
  • Logistic costs 
  • Effective project management  

3D printing has the potential to neutralize all of these problems with ease. This method of construction usually requires one or two types of materials. It also needs much fewer people working on the construction process as the printer does most of the work.  

On top of that, there are already printers that have built homes in a day. All of these things drastically reduce costs. Even if the materials and labor weren’t the issues, big cities are very crowded, and having an active construction site can be really costly.  

We Are Witnessing Construction Speeds That Never Happened Before  

As we mentioned earlier, there are already examples of 3D printing companies building homes from scratch in a day. A day! This has never been done before in history. Imagine your typical day, going to work, coming home to spend time with your family, and when you get up the next day, your brand new house is finished.  

With the current standards in the industry, it takes months to build a home. Even then, customers need to pay a lot of money for additional labor, machinery, and materials to speed up the process. With 3D printers, this is so much easier.  

There are also examples of transportable 3D printers that can be brought to the site and print a home on the spot. This has severe ramifications for the whole industry as construction companies cannot compete with this pace.  

Just imagine giving customers the option to get a home in 9 months or a day, which one will they choose?  

Better Approach  

With current construction methods, the construction site also needs to be considered. Not every place is suitable for construction. Even if a piece of land has enough room for a house, there often isn’t room for equipment, materials, and construction machines.  

This brings new issues like having to lease the area around for your construction efforts and so on. On the other hand, some areas are simply inaccessible by machinery, and construction can’t be done. With 3D printers, this is not that big of an issue.  

Even those portable printers require far less space, and developers can use them in a much wider range of areas. What does this mean for the current housing industry? It means that these machines can even access markets that are currently unavailable to them.  

Customers that are turned down by current developers will be able to get their projects executed by 3D printing companies.  

3D Printing Materials Are Eco-Friendly  

Most building materials for 3D printing are resistant to pests like insects and rodents. They are also resistant to exterior factors like mold, water, and sunlight. At the same time, these materials don’t harm the environment while offering sturdy constructions.  

A lot of the companies that specialize in developing and using these technologies recycle various materials. Their build materials consist of glass, plastics, and other trash. So, this means that there is no need for new natural resources, but also that they’re cleaning up the environment.  

Apart from this fact, this also reduces their development costs. These companies don’t need to buy as many new materials when they can recycle old ones. In the end, this means that buyers will benefit since they will have to pay a lower price.  

They Are Easier to Design  

The introduction of 3D visualization and imaging has completely changed the way these projects are done. Construction projects have been brought into the digital world. They are designed and developed on a computer.  

On top of that, with 3D visualizations, customers can see a realistic representation of their future homes. They can visualize how the whole place will look, suggest changes, and be deeply involved in the process. However, with typical development methods, the home is built from the ground up.  

If a customer is unsatisfied with something and they want it changed, it involves backpedaling, more time spent, and additional costs. With 3D printing, the project doesn’t start until everything is set in place.  

Furthermore, there is usually no need for a contractor, and customers can design their own dream homes from scratch. They have more control over the process and can give input that determines the outcome.   


This is only the start of the house 3D printing era. We are already seeing major benefits that will shake the housing market to its core. What’s even more amazing is that this technology and processes are still developing, and there are unlimited potentials.  

The whole industry will have to buckle up and make significant changes. Current housing developers will have to adopt 3D printing as well to stay competitive or lose the battle.