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Pluses and minuses of fertilizers you should consider


The main functions of the fertilizers. The most frequently met types of fertilizers. The main types of chemicals. Advantages and disadvantages you should know about. 

Pros and Cons of Fertilizers in Your Garden

To use or not to use? This is the most frequently asked questions when it comes to fertilizers in gardening. There are many different opinions and points of view. Someone is sure that it’s obligatory to apply fertilizers while others believe it affects not only the plants but also the health of the humans. If you are interested in this question, you should consider the following information.

Why People Use Fertilizers

There are several reasons why millions of farmers from all over the globe prefer applying fertilizers:

●     They help to maintain gardens;

●     They help to support trees and grass health;

●     They are able to maximize crop yields;

●      It’s the perfect means to keep backyards and lawns lush and green.

Their main aim is to supplement the necessary nutrients in the soil. The thing is many gardens are situated in poor areas where soil condition is awful. To get some harvest, they should enrich the soil with nutrients.

There are many reasons why the level of nutrients is low. The first one is the natural peculiarities of the location. It’s clear that clay soil can’t be rich in nutrients. The next reason may excessive growth of weeds. The pesky plants are able to take all the useful elements from the ground. In such a case, there is an alternative solution.

Before applying fertilizers, you should install the best landscape fabric. It helps to prevent weeding and is able to control soil erosion. It’s made of high-quality materials and has a long lifespan. By preventing weeding, it allows crops to get maximum nutrients from the soil. If the best landscape cloth doesn’t solve your problem, it’s high time to choose proper fertilizer.       

Main Types of Fertilizers

All the samples can be divided into 2 large groups – non-organic or chemical and organic. The first one is the most popular among gardeners. It’s able to boost growth and help to get fantastic yields. In accordance with the nutrient you are going to add to the soil, the following groups can be pointed out:

● Nitrogen

It’s a prime element the vines need to grow. If you want to boost the growth of your crops, you should add nitrogen;

● Phosphate is necessary when it comes to strengthening the root system. You should keep in mind it’s slow acting. It means it’s worth starting to add the element before you plant your seedlings in the soil;

● Potassium is of prime importance. It helps to protect the plants from various diseases.

Fertilizers are not obligatory chemicals. They can be made from plant or animal waste. There are various forms of fertilizers, too. It’s possible to find liquid, powder, and granular samples. It’s up to you to choose the most appropriate one.  

The Most Significant Advantages and Disadvantages

 When it comes to organic variations, their main advantage is that they are absolutely safe for both humans and the environment. You should not be afraid of consuming products frown with the help of organic elements.

The situation differs when it comes to non-organic variations. First, it’s worth mentioning they have plenty of positive effects. They are able to increase harvest yields. It’s of prime importance for farmers who need as many products as possible. Moreover, chemicals help to grow large crops in no time. It sounds weird but they even balance the soil ecosystem. Yet, it’s of prime importance to follow the rules of the appliance. Otherwise, the substances are to become toxic. They are able to burn crops and foliage. The same is true about the human body. Many chronic diseases have appeared because of the chemicals, by the way.       

 To sum it up, it’s worth highlighting that gardening is not an easy task. Sometimes it’s impossible to cope without the help of chemicals. In such a case, your task is to minimize the harmful effect as soon as possible.