After a tumultuous summer where fires devastated communities all across Australia, thoughts are turning to the clean-up and rebuild process.
The government has set up the National Bushfire Recovery Agency. Its tasks include:
- Build on the effective working relationships with state, territory and local governments, including their recovery and reconstruction bodies, and to work with stakeholders in bushfire affected communities and relevant Commonwealth agencies to inform and integrate recovery and rebuild activities.
- Ensuring affected communities have ready access to meaningful support and all available services.
- Providing advice and recommendations to government on the economic and social impacts of bushfire on affected communities, in consultation with relevant agencies across all levels of government.
- Developing and coordinating the delivery of a long term plan for the recovery, rebuild and resilience of bushfire affected communities.
Minister for Natural Disaster and Emergency Management David Littleproud said the Commonwealth would continue to respond to changing conditions around the country.
“We will help people on the fire front and people that have been evacuated from affected areas and the ADF is also helping deliver supplies such as food, fuel and medical assistance. When the rebuilding begins, the Commonwealth will be there to make sure communities are well resourced.”
The NSW Rural Fire Service has also shared some information on its site when it comes to rebuilding.
The three main things to bear in mind are: Level of risk – through the BAL system; Approval pathway – either through development application or complying development; and Protection measures, such as protection through: access, water and utilities, a cleared space around the home known as an asset protection zone (APZ), design and construction, and landscaping.