Style and safety in non-combustible cladding

Style and safety in non-combustible cladding

Certified weatherboard can protect a property.

If you’re located in a bushfire zone, it’s important to carefully select building materials that will protect your property.

James Hardie’s range of premium fibre cement cladding comes in a range of profiles to suit any home design. An iconic Queensland style, the emphasis is on natural materials and traditional craftsmanship.

The company’s Linea Weatherboard has a certified BAL40 rating and creates a deep shadow line aesthetic of timber options.

James Hardie’s QLD style of cladding.

The Matrix panels, which have a rating of BAL29, are suited to modern minimalist and mixed material looks. The cement cladding resists flaking, warping and swelling as well as moisture and termite damage.

For those in the most at risk areas, James Hardies’ HardieSmart Boundary Wall system can be used in conjunction with cladding or weatherboards of the right dimension.

The cladding, of 6mm thickness or more, is certified for use in bushfire prone areas in line with AS 3959-2009.