Subdivision is a complex process, involving elements of planning, building compliance, project management and legal work. Additionally, the process is slightly different in each state so it can be hard for home owners to find accurate information that covers all aspects of the process.
Over the next few posts, we’ll provide information about subdividing property in Australia, including a breakdown by states, how you know if you can subdivide, what the process involves and what the costs are.
Four consultancy companies based in WA, Queensland, Victoria and NSW have provided state-based information that has been collated by Flynn Subdivision Experts project manager Anton Flynn.
Keep an eye out this week for the next four articles in this series and let us know in the comments below anything else you think we should cover.
Why choose to subdivide?
Subdivision has become the poster child of performance and returns in the property investment scene across Australia in recent years. It continues to grow in popularity as an investment strategy for mum and dad teams, professional developers and builders alike. Median house prices in Western Australia and Queensland have retracted or been stagnant for many years now. The curtain is closing on the property pricing booms in New South Wales and Victoria. The barrier to entry into the housing market has never been higher- general housing affordability is at crisis point. For investors looking to make money out of property, entry prices are too high and the market is too unstable to consider traditional long-term buy and hold strategies. Subdividing property is providing the only avenue for reasonable equity gains in the property market in the short and medium term markets.
Across the country, from east to west, property subdivision has provided economic opportunity to novice developers and savvy investors alike. Importantly, state government planning policies nationwide have also supported property subdivision. Infill development strategies will provide the future housing needs for Australia’s rapidly growing and diversifying population, while minimising new infrastructure costs to state governments in the process. By supporting property subdivision, local governments are able to create vibrant, liveable neighbourhoods closer to urban centres where people choose to work, live and play. Subdividing land in Australia is therefore a mutually beneficial activity – it symbiotically provides economic opportunity to average Australians and helps state governments meet housing needs in a far more sustainable fashion than new Greenfields developments.

Getting your project started
Looking to the future, the Australian property market presents many exciting opportunities for novice and experienced property developers to cash in on the subdivision boom. State governments continue to diminish their support for Greenfield sites, as well as their appetite for ongoing infrastructure servicing and maintenance to these new suburbs. Infill development of Australia’s capital cities will take centre stage for land supply to the housing market. Property subdivision is a win for the government and the savvy investor.
For all general subdivision enquiries and assistance getting your project underway, contact the respective professional in your state for some expert advice today.
Western Australia
Markus ph. 0403984155
Liam ph. 07 3368 2211
Duncan ph. 03 8720 9500
New South Wales
Melissa Neighbour ph. 0499224064