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Transform your outdoor space with inspiration from trade shows

Transform your outdoor space with inspiration from trade shows

Get some inspiration for your back yard projects.

There’s a double whammy of trade shows in August when the Backyard and Garden Show, and the SPASA Victoria Spa and Pool Show take place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on August 8 and 9.

Attendees can discover everything they need to transform the outdoor environment from landscape and outdoor living areas. The joint shows offer a comprehensive range of outdoor products in one convenient location.

Exhibitors will showcase the latest in gardening and landscaping products, services and design ideas to assist you to transform your outdoor space.

The Living Landscape Awards will showcase designs from Victoria’s landscapers and garden designers There will be four purpose-built gardens on site that will demonstrate clever design ideas and use of space.

In addition to all of that, there will be a number of free seminars where attendees can get the latest professional advice and information from the experts.