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Tropical Landscape Design: How to Get the Vacation Vibes Right in Your Backyard?


Tropical landscapes are inspired by tropical areas, which are usually recognized by bright greenery, slight wetness, and vibrant colors of the flowers. Many homeowners create mock tropical landscapes in their gardens even if they live in completely different climates. However, achieving such a landscape in desert regions is very difficult. But you can create a beautiful tropical garden landscape design in Sacramento, CA, by contacting the best contractor.


History of Tropical Landscape Designs

The first artificial tropical landscape design originated in Europe when the popularity of exotic plants was soaring. The Europeans wanted to create tropical visions in their backyards and gardens. Since traveling was difficult during those times, explorers used to bring seeds and plants from tropical areas and then sell them to European botanists. Eventually, tropical plants became widely available in Europe and could be sold to the middle class.


Plants and Trees in a Tropical Landscape

The most important element of tropical landscapes is the tropical plants. So here are some tropical plants and trees you can add to your landscape design in Sacramento, CA, to give it a wonderful tropical base.

● Ferns: Ferns are extremely underrated when it comes to landscape designs. They can grow almost anywhere, are easy to keep alive, and have been popular for decades. There are many types of ferns from which you can select the most unique one for your garden.

● Bird of Paradise: Bird of Paradise is a great indoor plant but can grow outdoors too. They are extremely easy to grow. Their bright flowers can automatically look tropical, perfect for a tropical landscape.

● Elephant Ears: These are plants with huge leaves that are similar to elephant ears. These tropical plants can make a big impact on your landscape design.

● Banana Tree: Nothing is more tropical than a banana tree. These are easy to take care of and also produce fruit. They can look great while also offering you summertime fruits.

● Bamboo: This may not be fully tropical, but it merges well with a tropical landscape. Bamboo looks great and grows super fast. Thus you never have to worry about them dying since they are fast-growing and plentiful.

● Toad Lily: These adorable flowers have spotted toad-like patterns on their petals. White with purple stencils is a real treat to the eyes. You can also get them in other varieties, like blue and orange designs.

● Dragon Tree: Dragon trees are extremely tall but usually get only a few feet higher than humans. There are multiple types of dragon trees you can choose from.

● Passion Flower: These flowers beam nothing but love and joy. Their periwinkle color with full white petals and wiry purple petals that grow from the center of the plant can give a serene look to the landscape.

● Palm Trees: Palm trees are a perfect tropical landscape. They can grow anywhere. You just need to find the right type of palm tree that fits your climate and landscape design.

● Bromeliads: These are gorgeous flowers that look like dragon fruits, thus giving you the ultimate tropical look.

● Cordyline: This red and green plant gives a Christmas-like vibe. Cordylines usually grow in large packs.


Adding Rocks to a Tropical Landscape

Gorgeous tropical landscapes can be created by adding rocks. Though you can use any type of rock, you must pay attention to how you use them.

● Gravel: The easiest and most versatile rock to use, gravel is quite cheap and can be used to create pathways, patios, and other natural-looking designs.

● Stepping Stones: These are more natural-looking and unique than pavers. They can be round, square, or other shapes. You can add them as a pathway or a border along your landscape.

● Pavers: You can use pavers to create solid and safe walkways, perfect for kids and the elderly.

● Zen Garden: You can surround zen gardens with tropical plants by adding colorful sand, rocks, and other tools that look tropical.

● Creek Beds: A dry creek bed in your yard can be added with a little footbridge to create a more alive tropical vibe.

● Retaining Walls: This is a great way to create a village-like look and add to your landscape’s character.

● Raised Garden Beds: They can separate them from the rest of the yard and keep them safe from traffic.


Adding Water Structure to Tropical Landscape

Adding a water source can be a great idea for a tropical landscape. It can be anything like a small river, a pond, or a fountain. A natural-looking spring that works as a pool is a great option, but only if you have enough space.


If not, you can add a simple fountain per the space requirements. You may also opt for fountains that look like waterfalls to give a natural look. A landscape design contractor can help you plan the design and give you a natural water source that is eco-friendly and looks amazing.



Remember that a tropical landscape design focuses on foliage, celebrates water, and has many plants and vibrant flowers. So ensure you add all these elements to your tropical garden design with the help of the best landscape contractor.