USG Boral has announced that this year it will be celebrating 25 years of working with Henley to build houses for The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Good Friday Appeal (GFA). USG Boral has donated materials and labour to the Charity Home Auction initiative every year since its inception in 1993. During this time, 38 homes have been donated, raising $13.8 million.
“Many of our staff and their families have a personal connection to the RCH, with children and family members receiving care in emergency wards and paediatric units, as well as family and friends that work at the RCH in children’s wards and specialist units, including paediatric oncology. This is therefore a project that is close to the hearts of all USG Boral staff members and it’s a privilege to be able to support the initiative,” says USG Boral contracting manager in Victoria and Tasmania Bryan Kennedy.
“USG Boral appreciates the opportunity to contribute to the work of the RCH and GFA in a sustainable way that lets us give something real back to our community.”
This year, the RCH GFA charity home sits on a large 568m2 block at 13 Harfield Avenue, in the northern Melbourne suburb of Mickleham. It will be auctioned onsite at Villawood Properties Waratah Community on Good Friday 30 March.
USG Boral and UBL Interior Linings Contracting Service supplied and installed all plasterboard wall and ceiling linings, and cornice in the home. This included 1,250m2 of plasterboard and 340 lineal metres of cornice. The project required the work of five to six installers over five days.

“On Henley’s 25th anniversary of building and donating houses to The Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, it is also humbling to see that USG Boral has been part of this project since day one,” says Henley managing director John Harvey.
“USG Boral has donated more than $300,000 worth of product and services over the 25 years. This is an achievement that reflects the company’s commitment to the community and the amazing work performed by The Royal Children’s Hospital.
“From the entire Henley team, I would like to thank USG Boral and the 400 other trades and suppliers who have worked tirelessly, donating their time and resources to create and build a stunning family home.”