Much has been said and written about the National Broadband Network or NBN – a countrywide infrastructure project which promises a new era of faster, more reliable telecommunications and internet connectivity for homes and businesses.
As the new system rolls out across Australia, the old copper network is being switched off and existing phone lines and internet networks are being upgraded.
Many people are asking how these changes will affect their existing security alarm systems.
It’s a good question and one that needs to be addressed by homeowners and business owners alike, because adjustments will probably be necessary to ensure that your security system is compatible with the new technology and is able to continue doing its job properly.
No-one wants their safety and security compromised, so here’s how you can get your security alarm system NBN ready.
The most important thing you need to do is talk to your security alarm provider.
There’s such a wide range of security alarms on the market which makes it impossible for the NBNTM to answer any questions relating to your individual property and your home security system, but your provider will be able to help.
They will advise you whether your existing system is compatible with the new network and whether or not it has any limitations. If changes do need to be made in order to keep you property and your assets safe and secure, they will discuss various solutions with you.
You may find the following questions useful when talking to your security provider:
- Is my home security system compatible with the NBN set-up?
- Will my existing alarm system work properly when connected to the NBN network?
- Are there any specific telephone or internet services that will work with my current alarm system?
- What will happen in the event of a power outage?
- Do I need to have a back-up plan?
- Can I expect any additional costs?
- What are your recommendations?
It’s important to know that the majority of older alarm systems were designed to transmit through traditional analogue voice-based telephone lines. The NBN network provides digital communication services and if NBN is being rolled out in your suburb, the analogue telephone lines will be cut-off when the notice period has expired. If your home security system includes a back-to-base monitoring component using the old copper-based landline connection, it won’t work with the new NBN network as the lines will have been disconnected.
The NBN network also relies on a local power supply which means that your old analogue alarm system won’t be able to communicate if you have a power outage.
The best option may be to upgrade to a wireless monitoring solution rather than have your security system connected to the NBN network. It may be possible to simply add a GPRS attachment to your current system instead of replacing your whole system, but your security provider will have all the answers based on your unique circumstances.
Naturally, you want to ensure that your vital security system continues without disruption when you switch to the NBN. No-one wants to compromise their safety and security, so to get your security alarm system NBN-ready, you need to talk to your security provider well before the switchover date.
At Crown Security, our aim is to keep you and your property safe. We have the experience and technical expertise to make practical, affordable recommendations on the best home security solutions in Perth and we can guide you through every step of your transition to the NBN.
We’ve done our research and we have the answers to any NBN-related query. We’ll tell you whether your system is compatible with the new digital network, what adjustments (if any) need to be made, what you can expect during the transition and we can recommend the best security solution which meets your individual requirements. We’re one of the leading providers of home security systems in Perth and you can find us on 08 9400 6000 or get in touch via our website,