How to choose a bathroom vanity cabinet
How to choose a vanity that looks good, which contains adequate storage, and which has enough basins and bench space.
Make sure you choose a...
Toilet types
Picking the right bowl and cistern setup for your toilet is not as difficult as it might first appear - although there is some...
Toilet bowls
Despite the fact that 95% of toilets seem to look the same, there are a surprising number of different bowl and seat options.
Getting the...
The cistern is the top part of the toilet. They come in a range of capacities, and dictate how much water is flushed.
Cisterns have...
They're not common in Australia, but bidets are very popular in some parts of the world. Find out how a bidet works, what it's...
Toilet roll holders
The shape, function and location of your toilet roll holder will all play a part in how well it works.
Toilet roll holders don't necessarily...
Toilet flushing performance
It’s almost impossible to tell how good a certain toilet will be just by looking at it. All kinds of factors affect how well...
Water efficient toilets
Toilets account for over 20% of a household’s yearly water usage so by buying the most efficient toilet possible, you can make significant water...
Dual flush toilets
Dual flush toilets make a big difference in terms of the water efficiency of toilets.
Dual flush toilets normally feature two buttons - one for...
Toilet maintenance
Cleaning a toilet is the least fun but most necessary part of cleaning a bathroom. Apart from being able to bring down the appeal...