How to shade your home with a pergola
Pergolas can be used to provide excellent shade when they're positioned properly, which in turn can help reduce heat in homes and lower power...
Pergola costs and prices
Depending on what sort of pergola you're planning, how big it is and what materials you plan on using, cost and price can vary...
Pergola size
The size of the pergola you choose to build will have a direct bearing not just on its need to support itself, but may...
Pergola shapes and designs
The shape and design of your pergola will affect how strong it is, and how effective it is at providing shade, shelter and comfort....
How are pergolas made?
Pergolas aren't the most complicated structures, but there's still plenty of method and common-sense that needs to be applied to get them right. Learn...
How to choose a pergola
Done right, a pergola can improve the look of your home, and provide some very strategic shading and a great spot to entertain. Here's...
Energy efficient decking
The materials you choose for your decking are all important, especially if you're interested in ensuring that your decking comes from sustainable sources. Choosing...
Deck height and handrail regulations
Decks constructed beyond a certain height need to be built with handrails. The construction of the handrails is also regulated, to further lower the...
How to choose recycled timber decking
Using recycled timber for your decking offers an excellent way to reduce your environmental footprint, and to make use of well seasoned wood with...
Performance considerations
It's all too easy to approach the task of choosing decking based on looks alone - but decking's one area where beauty is most...