Home Plumbing Page 2


See how plumbing is installed in homes, and what to do in plumbing emergencies. Learn about fittings, fixtures, and water and energy efficient plumbing.

How to deal with gas leaks

A gas leak is serious business - and is extremely dangerous anywhere in your home. Find out what steps to take if you suspect...

Drain waste vent (DWV) systems

Proper drainage is vital to good hygiene and cleanliness. See how drainage and sewer systems operate, and how they are connected to your home. In...

Septic systems

Not all houses can be connected to a sewage network. In some cases, houses will instead have their own septic systems to deal with...
Emergency plumbing repairs

Emergency plumbing repairs

Need some help with plumbing? Got a leak and not sure what to do? Don't panic - here's some quick how to handle various...
Plumbing and equipment types

Plumbing & equipment types

There are many different types of plumbing systems in your home. Learn more about these - and about the equipment that makes them work. The...
What is plumbing?

What is plumbing?

Find out more about what plumbers actually do, why it's important to use a plumber, what kind of work plumbing involves and what plumbing's...

How is plumbing installed in houses?

Find out what steps are required to install the plumbing in your home - from the design stage all the way through to testing...

What does plumbing involve?

Plumbing is much more than just fixing leaky taps. Find out what sorts of things plumbing involves, and what aspects of your home require...

What do plumbers do?

Everyone knows plumbers work with pipes - but most people don't realise just how many pipes there are hidden around their houses, and how...

Types of valves

A variety of different kinds of valves are used in home plumbing systems. Learn more about air admittance valves, tempering valves, thermostatic mixing valves,...

