Home Plumbing Page 4


See how plumbing is installed in homes, and what to do in plumbing emergencies. Learn about fittings, fixtures, and water and energy efficient plumbing.

BBQ safety advice

There are few things that will ruin a barbecue as quickly as an exploding gas tank... Find out how to ensure that your barbecue...

Gas installation and use

There are special laws and regulations in place in Australia that control to how gas appliances should be chosen, who can install them and...

How pipes are connected

Different types of pipes need to be connected in different ways - and how they're installed in your home can affect not only your...

Types of plumbing pipes

Find out what the difference is between pipes and tubes, what kinds are used for what purposes, and what sorts of pipes and tubes...

Water quality and potability

What do government regulations state about water quality, and how is the quality of our water supply managed and regulated?   Many of us take clean...

Fittings and couplings

Pipes are connected and directed using many different types of fittings. Find out what some of the more common joints and couplings are called,...

Plumbing fixtures

Plumbing fixtures are the functional devices attached to plumbing pipes; bathtubs, bidets, traps and drains, pumps, tanks, taps and shower heads, among other things....

Pipes, tubes, lagging and fittings

Plumbing is installed using many different pipes, joints, couplings and other things to control noise and temperature. Learn more about the bits and pieces...

Bore water systems

In some remote locations, it's easier and more economical to pump water out of a ground bore than it is to connect to a...

Temperature restrictions and tempering valves

Find out what sorts of restrictions apply to the temperature of water coming out of any given tap in an Australian household, and how...

