
How to build a green home. Complete guides to alternative energy sources (like solar and wind), passive house design, and water and energy management systems.

Grey water systems

Just because water from the tap has been used, it doesn't mean it can't be used again. See how grey water systems can help...

Does the new energy efficiency legislation over-step the mark?

New energy efficiency legislation is designed to make suppliers more accountable for their actions, but does it go too far? And how does it...

How to shade your home with a pergola

Pergolas can be used to provide excellent shade when they're positioned properly, which in turn can help reduce heat in homes and lower power...

Energy efficient decking

The materials you choose for your decking are all important, especially if you're interested in ensuring that your decking comes from sustainable sources. Choosing...

How to choose recycled timber decking

Using recycled timber for your decking offers an excellent way to reduce your environmental footprint, and to make use of well seasoned wood with...

Heat transfer through doors and frames

Doors and door frames, if they're the wrong type, can easily let more heat in and out of your home than you might like....
Energy efficiency and doors

Energy efficiency and doors

How much heat your doors retain and how much cold they let in through gaps will determine how energy efficient they are. Find out...

Demand response and load shedding

Depending on where you live and what electrical hardware you have, your local power authority may be able to control your lighting or appliances...

Energy management dashboards

Energy management dashboards or systems can be used in conjunction with smart meters to help monitor and regulate how electricity is used in your...

Switches and manual controls

Manual lighting controls obviously help regulate how much energy you're using, and dimmers again can reduce the amount of energy being consumed. A warning...

