
Home Design Guides: Hot water

Energy efficient hot water systems

Energy efficient hot water systems

The hot water system you choose will make a huge difference to how much energy you use. Read on to find out what kind of system is the most efficient for your situation.

Fuel types for hot water systems

Fuel types for hot water systems

The type of fuel your hot water heater uses can mean the difference between huge bills and no bills at all. Find out what types of fuel are right for your hot water system.

Tank storage and continuous flow

Traditionally hot water systems have relied on tank storage, but recently continuous flow systems have begun to prove their worth in a big way. See what suits your needs.

How to maintain your hot water system

Proper routine hot water system maintenance isn't difficult if you know what you're doing - and it can double or triple the life of your hot water system. Find out what you can do to keep your hot water going.

Hot water system checklist

Hot water system checklist

Ready to buy? Download and go through our hot water checklist to make sure you're considering the right things when you're choosing a hot water system.
