Home Structure Doors How to choose wardrobe doors

How to choose wardrobe doors

The cupboards and wardrobes in your home are likely to account for many of the doors in your house. Learn about how your choice of wardrobe doors will affect their looks and functionality.

How to choose wardrobe doors 

Unless you have a big bedroom, wardrobe doors should conserve space.

What is the purpose of a wardrobe door?

These doors keep your clothes (and other possessions) dust free, and protected from the damaging UV rays of the sun and other direct light sources which can bleach fabric over time. They also serve to reduce visual clutter, by concealing the many small things you accumulate over time and can’t possibly throw out. A wardrobe door needs to be lightweight, stylish and easy to open and close.


What qualities should a good wardrobe door have?

A good wardrobe door should keep firmly closed when not in use, but be easy to open when you need to access the wardrobe’s contents. Ideally it should allow for ventilation to prevent stuffiness inside, and should be shaded to prevent light from entering when the doors are closed. Wardrobe doors should suit the décor of the room they are in too; these doors are likely to account for a significant amount of what’s visible when you walk into a room, and tasteful, complementary or understated materials and colours are the best choice.

What sort of doors are appropriate for wardrobe doors?

Sliding doors are very commonly used for wardrobes in bedrooms, simply because space is normally a precious commodity here. Hinged doors or bifold doors can also be used where space allows for it.

Wardrobe doors are often mirrored and sometimes only consist of a mirror in a frame – although solid timber and hollow core sliding doors are also common. Other common features include louvres, which are normally angled downwards to allow air in, while keeping light out.