Home Structure Doors How to position doors

How to position doors

The positioning of doors depends on many things – safety and convenience, ventilation and lighting needs, and aesthetic requirements, to name a few. Find out how to position doors in your home.

How to position doors

During the planning stage, it’s very important that the way doors will swing is taken into account.


The placement of your doors will directly affect the aesthetics of your home, and can completely change the look and feel of any part of your home. It’s important to note that positioning not only includes where along the wall the door is hung, but also handing and swing direction, as both of these factors will change the way space can be used in the room when the door is open.

The position of your front door will define the entire look of the facade of your home, just as the positioning (and size) of your home’s rear doors will affect the way they open onto your back yard.


Positioning and security

Good design will place the hinges of your front door on the inside of your home, protecting them from being tampered with from the outside. Depending on how your home’s designed, you may also need to consider how visible your front door is from the street – in some cases, having the door visible from the street or from a neighbour’s yard can serve as a deterrent to would-be thieves.

Clearance and space

You will need an area that has enough clearance room for a door to open and enough space to get around it if it’s sitting at 90 degrees to the wall. The frame will need to have enough space for the door, but also a little clearance on all sides for swing room. Think carefully about which way the door is to be handed, having the handle on the wrong side could cause damage to the walls and paintwork.

Doors should be positioned so that they don’t interfere with each other, or open into hallways or accessways.


Door position, ventilation and airflow

Another important factor to think about is the airflow through your house. Aligning doors and windows through rooms and hallways can create a wind tunnel effect when the doors are open. While this is very useful for effective wind ventilation, it may also be disruptive or uncomfortable if it’s too breezy. By staggering doors, even slightly, you can break up the tunnel’s flow and reduce the speed of a draught. This can also circulate the air better, encouraging it to circulate throughout the room or house instead of directly through it.

Doors that open to the outside should also open inwards if facing the windier side of the house. A door opening outwards in a strong gale can put great strain on the hinges, and may even loosen the door from the frame.