
Kitchen design performance considerations


Making your kitchen perform to its best is something of an art. Things like how you plan your lighting, what sort of flooring you choose, how you plan your storage space, how much bench space you allow for and where appliances are positioned will all play a major role in how useful it is.

The kitchen work triangle

The kitchen work triangle... and beyond

The kitchen work triangle - often just referred to as ‘the kitchen triangle’ - is a basic but time-honoured principle for designing ergonomic, functional kitchens. But is it still relevant?

Kitchen layouts

Do you know the difference between an L shaped kitchen and a G shaped kitchen? Know what a galley kitchen is? Learn about different kitchen layouts, and their advantages and disadvantages.

Kitchen lighting

The lighting design in your kitchen will make a vast difference to how comfortable and safe it is, as well as to how good it ends up looking. Learn the right way to plan and arrange lighting in your kitchen.

Kitchen floors

Kitchen floors need to be able to take quite a beating - but they also need to be forgiving on your feet, knees and ankles. Find out what sorts of flooring options fit the bill best for use in kitchens.

Flat pack kitchens

Flat pack kitchens are popular these days because they're affordable and come in a range of styles and designs - but they also have their limitations. Find out how flat pack kitchens compare in practical terms.

Amount of bench space

The amount of benchtop space you have available in your kitchen and where it's located will often determine how effective - or frustrated - you are when working in the kitchen. Find out how much you need.

How much kitchen storage space do I need?

When planning your kitchen, it's vital to ensure that you take into account just how much space you'll need, and for what sorts of things. Find out how much storage space you should plan for in your kitchen.

Bench size, height and weight

Find out more about how thick and wide kitchen benches should normally be - and how much overhang is normally incorporated. Learn more about how the weight of your benchtop will affect the rest of your kitchen.

Where to position electrical outlets

Find out how to decide where electrical outlets should be positioned, and what sort of factors will influence both how many you need and what type.

Child safe kitchen design

Kitchens can be a dangerous place for kids. Thankfully, there's a lot you can do - even with an existing kitchen - to make your kitchen a safer place for children of all ages.
