

How to fix a squeaky door

Squeaky doors are annoying - although thanfully, fixing them is normally very easy to do. Find out how to fix door squeaks, what sort of oil to use, and how to deal with the causes of squeaky doors.

Door maintenance

Door maintenance

Doors generally aren't all that complicated - and fixing them isn't that hard. A little attention when and where it's needed will usually keep them in good working order.

How to clean a lock

Stubborn lock? Key getting stuck in the keyhole? Locks can get dirty or rusted, especially if they're not used for some time. Find out how to clean and fix a dirty lock.

Why won't my door close?

There are several things that can cause this problem, and accordingly, several ways to deal with it. Find out how to fix a door that either won't open, or is hard to close.


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Solar panel designer / installer accreditation and warranty support

In Australia, there are certain laws and regulations that exist to ensure that only accredited tradespeople do certain parts of an installation. Find out who needs to install your solar system, and why.


Rainwater collection and storage

Instead of allowing it to run down the drain, rainwater can be collected to use on gardens. Find out more about how rainwater collection and storage can help improve your home's efficiency.

How to clean mirrors

How to clean mirrors

A clean bathroom mirror will affect how big the room feels, as well as how much light is reflected throughout the bathroom.
