The Federal Government today announced the end of the Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme (REBS) for hot water systems in Australia.

The Federal Government today announced the end of the Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme (REBS), which allowed households to claim a rebate of $1000 for a solar hot water system or $600 for a heat pump system when replacing their existing electric hot water systems.
The announcement came without warning, although those who have bought systems but not yet claimed still have four months (until 30th June) to submit their application claims for the REBS.
Since its introduction, the REBS has been The Federal Government continues to offer rebates under theSmall-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, and many households are still also eligible for rebates under State-based rebate schemes.
For further information about the termination of the REBS for hot water systems and other applicable rebates, read the official press release.