The concept of a connected home continues to develop with products like Google Home hitting the market to stream music and movies and connect to your home networked WiFi operated lights, appliances and sensors. Other companies are providing home security, fire alarms and surveillance.
Is there an good reason to create a connected home?
Well apart from those who are tech-minded, there are some energy efficiency strategies that can be gained through the use of the technology. Monitoring of energy consumption through smart meters, programming devices to turn on/off as needed can give reductions in energy usage.
Others employ connected home technology simply for the convenience and the sense of security it can bring. Say you are late home from work, its cold and the kids are waiting for you. With connected homes you can the house warm, the oven pre-heating and say hello to the kids and tell them how long you will be and turn on the perimeter security. Safe and sound.
There’s a catch – with some devices, you will need an electrician to configure it for you, so play it safe.