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Home audio performance considerations

How surround works

The quality of your home audio is affected by a number of variables – impair one, and you alter the rest. Find out more about the variables that affect home audio performance.

The quality of your home audio is affected by a number of variables – impair one, and you alter the rest.

For example, even the most expensive speakers in the world will sound average in a room with bad acoustics. Similarly, a well treated, acoustically sound environment can’t improve the sound that comes from speakers that are placed in random positions around the room.

So before you break the bank on a set of costly loudspeakers or a flash amplifier, think about getting the other factors right first – soundproof and acoustically treat your room and work out where you will be putting your gear. You never know, you could be surprised to see that you don’t need those speakers after all, giving you money to spend on other equipment.