Home Structure Roof Roofing parts and elements

Roofing parts and elements

Parts of roofs include framing elements, flashing, eaves, guttering, penetrations and cladding, among others. Find out what these elements are, and what role they play.

Your roof is a complex piece of construction, made up of many parts. The support structure alone must be carefully engineered to enable it to support the weight of your chosen cladding material and any additions, as well as resist pressure from strong winds and storms.

Roofs have evolved over time to incorporate elements which help to protect your home from the weather. Guttering transports water away from your walls and foundations. Eaves do double duty by keeping sun and rain at bay, and flashing and cladding stops rain from leaking through the roof.

The shape and design of your roof will have long term implications for the appearance and liveability of your home, so choose wisely!