
Wall Rendering Style: Techniques And How To Achieve Them

28 November 2022

Image presents Wall Rendering Style: Techniques And How To Achieve Them

When it comes to rendering a wall, there are many different techniques you can use on a wide range of surfaces to achieve different styles. One of those techniques is acrylic rendering, which is a method used to base coat building facades and walls. This type of rendering works well on flat surfaces such as concrete and brick; however, the technique does require preparation in advance, especially where glass is involved.

Changes in weather make renders tend to crack over time because of changes in temperature and humidity. If you want to save money and ensure that your render lasts longer without cracks developing, try cement rendering. Acrylic render is suitable for a wide range of surfaces

Cement rendering is considered one of the best ways to paint structures. You can see why – it offers the same durability as acrylic rending, but the added strength makes it easier to apply. Plus, cement rendered finish allows you to add a range of colours and textures and even lighting effects.

Another advantage of fibre cement rendering is how easy it is to clean up afterwards. When using acrylic, you need to let everything dry completely before cleaning up, while you simply spray water on the cement render and wipe it away.

Another option when it comes to rendering walls is polystyrene cladding foam insulation. This type of wall rendering doesn’t come in a single material, but rather allows you to choose between fibreglass, wood, steel, plastic, and others.

Each material adds something different – fibreglass provides lightweight, steel gives you structural support, and the plastic helps keep costs down. As mentioned above, you don’t need to worry about cracking since polystyrene renders offer very little expansion and contraction. This means they won’t crack or delaminate like acrylic. Instead, they will just fade with time.

Acrylic Render Vs Cement Render

Traditional rendering refers to any method for decorating the exterior surface of an interior building envelope using adobe bricks or mud plaster (stucco).

Acrylic and Cement render are both used in walls. The first one is used to create decorative patterns on the wall while the latter is an economical alternative to plastering. There are different types of these two products. However, they both offer the same effects in terms of appearance and texture.

Render can be applied over existing wallpaper without disturbing any of it; the entire surface area can be painted at once, which saves money and time. Some coats of render tend days to cure and some needs just 30 minutes to dry.

Acrylic renders

Acrylic renders are a popular choice among homeowners as they provide a glossy finish. Acrylics come in an endless number of colours and textures. They are also inexpensive and durable.

Acrylic rendering is a form of exterior wall surface treatment that can be applied to concrete block walls and brick walls. They are often used in residential construction for their durability, colour variety and ease of application.

Cement render

Cement renders are a mixture of sand and cement. It is common to find this type of render in homes as it provides a strong finish. Cement renders are usually darker than their counterparts since they contain more pigment.

Cement Renderers is one of our most popular services in Sydney. It differs from Acryl Renderer in that it contains cement. Cement render is a fast drying render product hence using a professional service for cement render is always recommended if you wish to achieve the best results.

