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Internal walls

Walls inside a home serve some different purposes to those on the outside of your home. Find out more about internal walls.

The primary job of internal walls is to divide up the space inside your home. This is important for privacy and to keep messy activities like bathing isolated. Spaces for relaxation, cooking, entertaining, and home office work require very different finishes and lighting, which walls will help to confine and delineate.

Light framed interior walls walls are normally insulated too, which stops the transfer of noise, helps reduce heating and cooling demands and can slow the spread of fire. Much of your plumbing and electrical wiring will be hidden inside your internal walls. Depending on what they’re made of, interior walls can also act as load-bearing walls and help to maintain structural integrity, preventing your roof and any upper floors from collapsing or walls from cracking. You can also use internal walls to express your tastes through various styles of finishes and mouldings.