Our Building inspectors often come across major building defects from do it your self home renovators and dodgy contractors, some of these can have can have a lasting effect on the quality of your home and some can cause major structural defects others are major safety hazards. So sit back relax and take a look at some of the amazing discoveries we have made during our travels conducting building and pest inspections.
1. Support Bearer Joint Failure
We all need a little support Bearer joints need some support measure twice cut once.
2. Home Drainage Issues
Underground Pools are great but having one in the subfloor is not the best idea,
3. Building Mistakes During Construction
Where does the pipe go. Building mistakes during construction are common. This pipe has been re located and the void filled with foam, This explains the indoor pool in the basement.
4. DIY Floor Levelling Failure
Uneven floors are generally caused by some settlement in the piers and can be re-stumped or packers added to re level the floor. After all this effort the floor was still out of level.
5. DIY Plumbing Gone Wrong
Need new plumbing? Ok lets just smash out this brick pier and put the pipe through there.
6. DIY TV Antenna Installation Nightmare
Leaking Roofs, This tv antenna was causing the roof to leak. Whats the solution, Simply wrap a piece of rag around it that will do the trick good as new.
7. DIY Under House Excavation, Wrong!
Need an extra bit of room. Thats easy just dig out all the dirt under the house.
8. DIY Sagging Roof No No…
Here’s a quick fix all you need is a bit of wire and a timber prop, nobody will look up there.
9. DIY Down Pipe Failure
Easy fix for blocked down pipes, just drill big holes in the gutters
10. Oven Hood Exhaust Cheat
New Home building inspections are always full of surprises. This range hood looks ok every thing is working lights fan etc. There is one small problem …..
Where does the rang hood exhaust go ??
Don’t fall victim to these home building nightmares
Buying a home with these mistakes could cost you thousands of dollars. Before purchasing a new or old home, make sure you book a home inspection with a professional House Inspector.
Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.