Hollow-core slab ceilings

These types of ceilings offer excellent strength and are relatively lightweight, making them a popular choice in muliti-storey homes. What is a hollow-core slab ceiling? A...
Dropped ceilings

Dropped ceilings

Commonly used in commercial and industrial buildings, dropped ceilings allow you to easily install extra fittings, ducting and design elements.     Dropped ceilings are common in...

Beam ceilings

Beam ceilings are a traditional style of ceiling in which load bearing beams are exposed on the inside of the house.   Beam ceilings can add...

Ceiling joists and beams

Most ceilings make use of joists and bearers (load bearing beams) to give the house strength and stability.    Ceilings in most modern homes use wooden...
Types of walls and ceilings

Types of walls and ceilings

There are countless many ways to build walls and ceilings - but obviously some are much better suited to certain environments and tastes than...

Coffered ceilings

Coffered ceilings consist of sunken panels, and are used for both decorative purposes and to give structural strength.    Coffered ceilings are mostly decorative, but can...

Stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings make use of stretched material (often PVC), and offer a great degree of flexibility and creative freedom in terms of design.    Stretch ceiling...

Vermiculite ceiling (popcorn ceiling)

Vermiculite ceilings (also known as popcorn ceilings) were popular a few decades ago, and offered good soundproofing and fireproofing.    Vermiculite ceiling is often called popcorn...
What's in a wall?

What’s in walls and ceilings?

Most of the time you see them, walls are flat, uninterrupted surfaces. But there's often quite a lot going on behind what you can...

Ceiling roses

Ceiling roses are ornate mouldings mounted to the ceiling, normally featuring a light suspended from their centre. What is a ceiling rose? A ceiling rose is...

